Friday, February 5, 2016

Homework for next week

Pick one of your concepts and refine it.  I want one thoughtfully considered rendition of the concept.

 Use motifs pulled from your research and consider  the small format the final piece will be displayed in.  Most standard playing cards are 2.5" x 3.5".  Think about creating organized masses of value and form that will read well at that scale.

I highly recommend using  Pinterest as a way to catalog your visual research.  I'm terrible about keeping my hard drive organized.  I just find Pinterest easier to manage for small projects like these.

I've gathered up a few examples of work that solves major design problems.  Concept art is about solving the problem of what you want to portray.  Illustration is deciding how you want to portray it.
All of these examples are drawn from film, both live action and animated.

Pixar Stuff,

Dermot Powers,

Iain Mccaig,

Looking forward to seeing everyone's work next week.  Feel free to post on the blog at anytime with questions, I'll try to address them in a timely manner.

Also, Please have your work uploaded to the blog before class starts next week.  In the interest of time, I'll critique the work out of class and post revisions during the week.  It will allow me to be more thorough in my critiques and cover more information in class.

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