Sunday, February 14, 2016


In other news I like you guys so much, I bought a copy of this DVD for class

It's 2 hours long and a great way to understand the visual story-teller's mental space. Plus watching him draw is entertaining in and of  itself.   We can take a class session to watch it, or find another time that works for people.   Leave a comment with your vote


  1. Neat!

    I don't mind watching it on a weekend or if we could split it up between two or three lunch hours. Thursdays I have class until 7 though and I think Lou has the same so those days are iffy :/


  2. class period or lunch works for me

  3. Okay, we are supposed to have a makeup class due to the fact that we started a week late. We can count watching this as the makeup

  4. we'll figure it out Thursday though
